Cool Acrylic high coverage washable paint for interiors

Cool is a washable, vapor-permeable, eco-friendly paint harmless to health. It is used to paint interior walls. It has a good covering power and can be applied in one, but two coats are recommended.



The surface should be dry, firm and clean. This is a ready-to-use paint and is applied with a roller or brush. Prior to painting, walls should be impregnated with a COOL undercoat depending on the surface condition according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Packaging units:

1 l. i 2,5 l.


7 – 8 m² can be coated with 1 l of the Cool acrylic in two layers depending on the quality of the wall preparation.

Shelf life and storage :

18 months from the date embossed on the packaging. Keep in the original, well closed and undamaged factory packaging at temperatures from +5ºC to + 25ºC. Keep from freezing.