Hemmax Classic Lasure stain protect the wood from the influence of time, colour it decoratively and refines its surface. It gives the wood the natural appearance and shows its structure visible.


The product should not be thinned. Apply to a dry, sanded and cleaned surfaces in one or two layers with a brush, roller or by dipping. Drying time is 12 hours, whereas it is recommended to let dry for 24 hours before application of the second layer. Use an oil thinner for cleaning tools.

Color palette:

Clear, pine, teak, walnut, blue, mahogany, oak, rosewood, chestnut, red, ebonos, green, red pine, cognac, gold pine, light oak and pumpkin


10 – 12 m² can be coated with 1l in one layer.

Shelf life and storage:

36 months in the original packaging.

Packaging units:

0.75 l, 2.5 l i 20 l.